👀 #GooglyEyes 📷 Roland Schutter - Things With Eyes Vol.68

This is Roland,


he's not quite your typical German rolling shutter.


Roland Schutter #GooglyEyes portrait close-up title image eyebombing by @fraenk


Germans really love their privacy.

Or maybe they're just afraid of burglars?


Roland Schutter #GooglyEyes full-scene eyebombing by @fraenk


A typical German houses usually comes with this kind of rolling shutters.

Shutting out light, the weather, curious neighbours and unwanted visitors.


Roland Schutter #GooglyEyes full-scene closer frame eyebombing by @fraenk


Roland does all that, too!

But he's still the odd one out.


Roland Schutter #GooglyEyes sideview eyebombing by @fraenk


What's so special about him?

It must be the eyes you might think.


Roland Schutter #GooglyEyes portrait eyebombing by @fraenk


Yeah, that's probably true, too.

But I'm actually talking about his schnoz*!



I met Roland on a stroll through the neighbourhood and he immediately caught my attention... and a pair of new eyes.

But why is Roland Schutter different than a normal rolling shutter?

You know I love getting some engagement in the comments! Can you explain why Roland is different than most of his kind? There is a real and logical explanation, and you don't even have to be German to find it, though it probably helps if you're familiar with how this guy works.

Be creative, it doesn't have to be the real explanation, why do you think this guy stuck out to me on my stroll? Try to think out of the box or look at the frame, the most creative and the most accurate answers will definitely get some SBI, funny compliments and boring theories will still get an upvote... so do us both the favour and comment below!

the engagement challenge has ended, see this comment below.


everything is better with #GooglyEyes

even nosy neighbours

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