Google "Dont Be Evil" - a Perculiar Play on Words

I have always enjoyed Google services first and foremost, I wouldn't want them to ever stop what they do because someone abused their intellectual property. If you have a problem with their monetary policy, you're probably a fool for even using an online search index. The consumer powers the market and Google has changed my experience on the internet indefinitely.

Don't Be Evil

Very Subjective

Evil is more of a reflection than an act. A guiding duality force. It's a rather cliche marketing phrase in my honest opinion too as I know most people don't commit crimes to be evil, it's a lot more that contributes to an individuals involvement in a plot to produce contextualize situations for his peers to create judgements of, evil of which may be one of those judgements.

To Add to the Contextualized Subjection

The post box in Bermuda numbered 666 which receives Google profits worth £8BILLION a year

This has been a widely blown out of nm proportion idea that was likely an office joke by someone humored by satanism. Personally speaking as a theistic satanist, I am not personally aware of any way that 666 has any financial significance aside from an affiliation to victory, so it would bear no conspiracy that profits would be a victory nullifying all of the atrocious complaining done about this post box number.

- Google has no offices or staff in Bermuda but sends billions of profit there
- Island has a 0 per cent rate of corporation tax and is used as a tax haven
- But Google claims it has no 'permanent base' in the UK despite vast offices
- Britain lobbied EU not to put sanctions on Bermuda for sheltering tax

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