Google Doodle

In case you have not already done, you should visit Google's innovative doodle today! I mean, like, right away 😄


I did not realise there was a film maker named Oskar Fischinger who was so much ahead of his time and invented the Lumigraph! The instrument produced imagery by pressing against a rubberized screen so it could protrude into a narrow beam of colored light.

As per the Doodle page:

Even with the advanced technology that now exists, emulating Fischinger's work is an impossible task.


So today's Doodle aims to pay homage to him, while allowing you to compose your own visual music.

Just for a demo, I made a few random strokes and this is what I came up with! I am not even a musician by any stretch of imagination!

What Google have done today is to make you create your own visual music? It will be interesting to see your creations. So please leave your links in the comments or write your own posts!

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