Response for Google Gaming for money; Real or just another Scam

I was so bothered by the google games that I contacted Google support and filed a complaint against these developers who are just taking advantage of peoples good nature believing in what they read. I was absolutely taken back by the response I was given by Google techs, they not only lead a team of advananced coders to iniate a formal inquiry against these developers but they allowed me to give my information on the testing I performed. Now of course this doesn't mean that everything will be resolved and we won't see this type of stuff again but at least google is willing to do something about it. I reported on 12 different applications and all have been contacted and started a process of altering the coding and we'll see if this changes anything. I hope it does but doubt that it will be a huge change. What do I expect to gain out of this is simple, I just want these developers who think they can just get away with this to realize.... FUDGE someone is forcing google to deal with us. I was already thinking that google would be laughing at me and not caring to do anything about these games and apps but instead they took the me by surprise. Let's see what happens in the next few days.

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