Google tracks you offline also...

Looks like Google was caught red-handed again, this time with their fist up MasterCard's cookie-jar. Imagine if their cash reserves weren't cut each day due to inflation. Imagine if their corporation didn't need to increase profits each quarter, essentially ensuring that no matter which way you look at it, things will get more invasive, and more cemented with each passing quarter. Imagine if your employees salary-value went up naturally each quarter without having to increase the amount you, the CEO, budgeted for.

Soon you'll be using a Google operating system, on a Google computer, to access Google cloud resources, and probably programming some cloud-based machine-learning instance behind the scenes so that when you finally get too big for your britches they can just replace you with with an AWS box. Some day we won't even get a coffin. Glad I'll be long gone by then; as for you saps reading this from the future, blame your parents.

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