Good morning steemit people, this is my nursing cat at home, and I'm feeding them.

Hy steemit people, as the day opener I want to say "congratulations on the move" to steemit people around the world.


This morning I want to show my favorite cats breakfast. Hehehe .. sounds just like a human being steemit friends if the cat to eat we call breakfast. But it does not matter to steemit friends, maybe this will sound cooler if you can ...

I keep a female cat at home, and now I have two children, white and yellow. They are very energic, and like to jump here and there.

Now look at my cat pictures as they eat, looking very focused on the food and for sure they really enjoy their breakfast today. While eating my cat is always in the same company with the parent, yaaah, his name is still a toddler cat, hehehe.



There is one thing that is very interesting from the nature of the two small cats I was, namely brave and savage. The proof was last night they could pounce a rat that is twice the size of them, cool is not it ???. It's one of the benefits we keep cats at home, night rats will not dare to look again because in my house there are two savage hunters.

Not just savage, the two little cats are also pretty and adorable, they have a spoiled nature towards the people of the house, and I am fond of it.

I will continue to take care of them especially on food, I always serve their typical food, which is white rice that I have stirred with small pieces of fish, and this has become a daily routine three times, as well as a meal schedule on a human .

Perhaps among steemit people around the world also keep cats in their respective homes, I think this is great fun. And hopefully raising cats can benefit all steemit people.

Come on steemit guys, we love animals just as much as we love ourselves.


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