Kali Goddess

Goddess Kali 🌙

(Images :Kali 1800-1825 Kangra. The Walters Art Museum)

She brings creatures into this world and she also takes their lives.
Kali Goddess of time.
She is a nadir in the natal chart.
Unconscious habits...
Her name (Sanskrit) has several meanings at once: the word kāla is “black”, “dark”, “dark blue”
black color - the main feature of the black color is that it absorbs and dissolves all other colors in itself. This color includes white, yellow and all other colors. Similarly, Kali contains all other beings. Black color symbolizes the unclouded state of pure consciousness.
Kali carries away the souls of slain warriors and animals, Kālarātri is the “night of death”, Kali is the many- sided Goddess who leads life from the moment of conception to death. It symbolizes the cosmic power of eternal time.

At the cosmic level, Kali is associated with the elements of air or wind, vayu, prana. This force pervades the universe as the energy of transformation.

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