This is the Advantage of The Sholeh Guy

Islam is a mercy for all the worlds. And people who have faith, certainly make other humans around it feel peaceful and cool. Like the sholeh men, those who are obedient to God, fit people to see or no longer anyone who sees. Because of that, they are much loved, even Allah pity them.

Many advantages possessed by these sholeh guy, one of them is as below:

  1. An impartial leader.

Anyone knows that boy, one day will be a family leader. Well that's when the guy is demanded to be a good leader nan sholeh. Imagine aja sodara-sodara, if the guy does not have the science of religion that sip, and the Islamic personality, can be imagined how the fate of his followers. It could be a family mess! like a word, he wants to lead people, but he himself is blind. How hayo? hard right ?.

Well this is what is clearly understood by the shaw guys. By faith, they are self-controlled and nurturing others, including their future wives. That's why there is no boys story sholeh home school trus brawl street, nyontek pas test, or mojok both girls dikantin.

Why? once again because they are clever leaders, not just for others, but also for themselves. And as a clever leader they do not want to bother to plunge themselves into unnecessary issues.

  1. Kesholehan result in cool and unyu '

With an Islamic personality, sholeh men will appear as the coolest and smakin unyu '. fun again, the cool it does not expire pake. Because it's original from dalem, do not use abalabal. Although the outward appearance is simple, but sholeh men definitely have their own dignity. This way, going to add the value to-cool is a true quality assurance.

Sholeh guys will also have a great sense of shame and fear. Embarrassed if doing immoral and fear the same God if want to do immoral. Hare gene getoh, rare loh guys can really survive in kesibolehan, boss. In a way, everywhere mini skirts bersliweran, and aurat on sale one thousand three, # sometimes still use bonus again, hadeee.

Well that's the faith that makes them more cool and make people become more kepo. Different right, same cool looking aja but do not have shame aka playboy tepe-tepe not clear. Not yet we will surely be the same illfeel yanguan.

  1. Most wanted man!

People soleh tuh, sohib-an aka best friend with God. And God is also the one who set the life. Well, endingnya will always be fun their lives. This will happen not only in the world, but also in the akherat.

Next, in addition to the love of God, because sholehnya also he would love the people around him. So be the sholeh men are the dream girl in the world, and also the angels in heaven. The question is, who does not like to be dream?

  1. Pinter

Being a sholeh that kudu need knowledge. And science is gained from learning. So sure if the guy already sholeh, then the science of religion and the world must have.

Science also will make his words cool #nyess, his behavior nenangin, and his nature really nyenengin. Finally, intelligence in the depth of science that makes his presence awaited, grateful, even coveted many people.

  1. Visionary

If people already have faith, easy for him ngeraih success in the future. In a way, the person who is pious will surely understand bener if do in vain it is sin, wasting time is not useful, and life will be the responsibility.

No wonder, if they can easily focus on the things that are important and make themselves better, than just an unclear whistle where direction. As a result, their future is more organized, they know what life is for, and where it is going.

Not only that aja. Sholeh guys will also remember to die, so not just arbitrarily in the world. They will make special preparations to welcome life after death, aka in akherat. While the others are still busy ajeb-ajeb, he is busy busy ngebenahin themselves, and gain rewards, let me be fun - fun in heaven entar. Visionary really!

Well, from some of the advantages of the guys sholeh above, can be concluded if decided to be pious sholeh not an option, but the necessity. It is imperative that you really enjoy it with your life.

One thing in point, Kesholehan makes you lucky the world akherat, and life would be nice world akherat. So, really ya still heavy heart so sholeh, bro?.

(NayMa /

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