Early Steemit Adopters - Don’t forget about Golos Token Drop!!!

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For anyone who doesn't know, Golos is the Russian spin off of Steemit. When Golos began life, they created a mirror account for all Steemit users and performed an air (Golos) token dropped (relative to the amount of Steem each user held at that time) into the account. Login details mirror that of your Steemit account.

With the price of Golos up 800%+ in the past month, it is worth having a check whether you have anything of value in your Golos account…

As an early user of Steemit, I found $250 worth of powered down Golos in my account…. What might you find?

The website is in Russian, however the UI mirror’s the Steemit UI. You needed to be a Steemit user over 8 months ago


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