The Purge is upon us!

Hear ye, hear ye!


The night of reckoning is upon us - the grand event that will echo across our server, The Purge!

Through the relentless pursuit of fairness and equality, we have fine-tuned and honed our bot detection systems to pinpoint the very epicenter of mischief. Our vigilant watch has uncovered an unsightly truth: a disconcerting number of farming operations reek of automation. Tonight, the axe falls, and it falls without mercy! An astounding count of 1379 accounts, all steeped in deception, are facing the ban hammer!


Yet, the Purge night is far from over. Shadows continue to linger, as there are a handful of accounts still shrouded in suspicion. Fear not, for our vigilance will not waver. In the coming weeks, we shall keep a watchful eye on these questionable accounts, ensuring that justice is served.

Stay tuned, brave users, for the Purge has only just begun! Let us band together in this night of cleansing to uphold the integrity of our beloved realm!

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