골렘 (GNT) 레딧에서

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과연 영상에 출동하면 골렘은 얼마나 더올라갈까

Now that we are looking at the development, it certainly looks promising. Golem has come a long way but the development has gone much slower than anticipated when compared to the whitepaper. In May 2017 Julian wrote the following:

" At the beginning of the project, May seemed an eminently reachable goal for Brass Golem, but now I am quite sure that this will instead be June. Brass is coming and it is very close. We are now implementing the final features we want to have in Brass, and it should happen over the next few weeks. And then, Brass will be upon us!".

This was written in May 2017 and we are now in December of 2017 and the community is still waiting for Brass. My question is: Why did you make such a statement knowing for a fact that you would miss the original Q2 2017 deadline by a very big margin only one month before the Q2 2017 deadline? What are you doing differently now that will give the hope, trust and confidence back to investors ,old and new, that you will instead this time deliver on your promise of a "early 2018" release?

[–]julian_zGolem[S] 11 점 20 일 전에
Situation we had with Golem development at the end of Q2 / beginning of Q3 deserves separate discussion (post mortem, perhaps), but the problem boiled down to the following:

Dependencies. For a number of reasons we were not able to take full advantage of existing external solutions with regard to both the resource transfer and the network communication. All the time we were in the mode “it somehow works, we just need a few more weeks and we will be fine”. Unfortunately, after months of being in “a few weeks mode” we had to do reality check and we decided to introduce number of changes. What’s more, we had to design a few core components ourselves. While it is probably inferior to use external technology, we faced the choice of either waiting for the community solutions to advance or doing something good enough ourselves. This statement is not to blame anyone else but us - the fact that other technologies take long to develop is understandable, especially for us. Probably we are the only ones to blame for willing to do too much too fast. While by no means an excuse, this is something we all suffer from a bit in this space.

Critical components design. After 11.11.2016 we launched ambitious R&D programme with an aim of finding the best solutions for securing the network. While the results we came up with could work well in semi-professional setup, in general we needed something better to secure interactions between professional providers and requestors. Again, for quite a long time we believed that we are just a step away from a simple, elegant and robust solution, but each time someone from the team was able to falsify yet another great design.

After exploring many dead ends the team decided to take a step back and instead of trying to provide the perfect solution in a protocol itself, we agreed to proceed with so called Concents to increase the overall security guarantees. Concent service is complex and needs time to be developed properly. BTW, this is why we were so happy to announce in September that research phase for Brass is over. Also, we plan to open R&D repo shortly to share the result of our R&D effort with the community.

Team building and management. While probably not critical, the fact that we were building the team while trying to solve hard problems and professionalise the organisation took its toll , and we realised how delayed we were only after it was too late to meet the deadlines..

I believe that right now we have a way better plan of what we are going to do and also the development process is much better organized.

We will be better at delivering in the months and years to come.

물론 시간이 지났지만 이정도로 솔직하게 다가서며 모든이에게 응답해주는거 보면 열심히 하는거 같다.

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