Goldmoney fixed my wallet.

Goldmoney fixed my wallet.

There comes a point when enough people tell you something that you start to believe them.

When people of all walks of life, all ages, genders, friends, siblings, parents and colleagues say the same thing, it might be time to start paying attention.

I have a huge wallet.

I can't fully explain how this happened. Random business cards, expired credit cards, an address book (why??) and some old lottery tickets add up quickly to make a true monstrosity.

I'm universally made fun of for this.

I dont mind actually. My wallet has become a conversation piece. The times I am able to retrieve it from my pocket, hilarity always ensues.

My friends even want to take selfies with my wallet.

Its a great icebreaker.

I met the crew of Fast Money, and when I pulled my wallet out to show them my Goldmoney Mastercard (if you want a free one of these, start here: ) , they saw my wallet, and went bananas!

Sometimes people even want to compare wallet sizes!

Today all of my wallet angst changes.

Someone who knows my wallet and I very well has given me a new wallet, perfectly suited for my needs.

Qoute by Brent Johnson

If you know want to know why Goldmoney will change the world :

If you are Jose Canseco and reading this I know you would love to create a personal gold standard with a Goldmoney account!

If you are Steph Curry and reading this:

For a free Goldmoney Mastercard you can load from your Goldmoney account start here:

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