A number of gold coins from the kingdoms in Aceh commonly called Derham Aceh is known to have adorned the history of this country. The collection of gold coins has a very high historical value as has been proven by the results of research H.K.J. Cowan, J. Hulshoff Pol and others. Therefore T. Ibrahim AIfian composed an article on numismatic (Currency Collection) in 1979 to be a lesson for us and future generations.

The kingdom of Samudra Pasai, whose remains are still found today in Samudra Sub-district, North Aceh District, is the first Islamic empire in the region to emit golden springs. Under his Sultan Muhammad Malik az-Zahir (1297 -1326) issued a gold coin which until now is considered the oldest derham. This kingdom began to develop as a center of trade and Islamic religious development center in the Straits of Melaka at the end of XIII century M.
In 1414 Parameswara, the first king of Melaka entered into an alliance with Pasai, embraced Islam and married Pasai's daughter. Many merchants from Pasai went to Melaka and simultaneously introduced the gold forging system to Melaka. Gold coin or derham Pasai, diameter of approximately 10 mm, except belonging to Sultan Zain al-Abidin (1383-1405) and Sultan Abdullah (1500-1513), while the Aceh royal arts that were forged more than two centuries after the issuance of gold coins Pasai, ranges from 12 to 14 mm.

The expression of as-sultân al-Adil as it appears on the back of the derham Pasai is also used by the royal sultans of Aceh Dar as-salam from Sultan Salah ad-Din (1405-1412) to Sultan Ri'ayat Syah (1589-1604 M.), whereas since Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607 -1637 AD), the words as-sultan al-Adil are no longer used in Aceh's dirham.
It is very interesting that the expression of the just king is also in the currency of the Malay Peninsula. The phrase as-sultân al-adil may be read in the currency of Sultan Ahmad who reigned in Melaka in 1510 and it was the king who defended Melaka from the Portuguese attack. On the back of the Kelantan-Patani gold coin, the species of deer and the sun dinar, are painted the words of al-Adil's malik which also means a just king. Similarly malik al-Adil's writings can be seen in the Trengganu kingdom's monsoon called pitis known to have circulated in 1838 on the eastern coast of the Tanah Tanah Melayu peninsula. In Negeri Kedah, in the currency of Sultan Muhammad Jiwa Zainal Shah II (1710-1760) called kupang there is also the article Adil Syah 1147, meaning the fair king, 1734/5 M.

The kings in Pidie and in Daya may also issue a golden currency. What else has Pidie been a busy trading place. Unfortunately evidence of the legacy of the golden currency of the Pidie kingdom has not yet been obtained.


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