Social media is the new platform for gold diggers.


Pardon my French, but for a while now, social media platforms like instagram have been a breeding ground for gold diggers.

As the competition increases between these gold diggers for what is an inherently limited supply of "gold" - men with the wealth to satisfy these women if only while they're keeping up appearances, the nugget seeking crowd up the ante and resort to attracting their prey with ever more carnal methods. Do you ever wonder why you see more and more women showing more and more skin, until there is literally nothing left to hide? Well, that's competition working right there.

You see, online and especially with low attention span platforms such as instagram, people barely have time (or even care for that matter) to get attracted to people for their personality, and even then, it's so easy to fake. Why bother playing that tiresome game when you can just show some skin and have a bunch of horny wealth wielding charlatans pawn over your salacious body. Once you've got enough interest, all that's left is to choose which of these dumb rich f*cks a) has the most money b) willing to spend it on you.

It's so easy to tell when a girl is looking too. In a relationship, they post conservative fully covered photos, when they're looking, they post sinful sexually suggestive trash.

Some of these gold diggers go as far as pretending to be quite wealthy and living a high life, always at luxury hotels, luxury resorts, eating at luxury restaurants etc. They'll also wear impossibly expensive clothes from head to toe and carry a limited edition Hermes bag. If you take nothing away from this post, then take this one thing. They are most likely not affluent at all and all they're doing is signalling that their price is high. They give the illusion of living the high life because that is what they want their partner to provide them. If you don't meet that standard, then sorry, you're not even in the pile.

So yes, while some of these gold diggers might not post sexually suggestive content, it all resolves back to the same thing. Superficial aesthetics appeal to men, and financial prowess appeal to women.

I must stress that not all women are like this and I am grateful that most of the lovely women that I know, know better. Sadly, social media is just facilitating and bring back the oldest career in the game -- Gold digging for them spicy rich golden nugget balls!

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