From Gold Bug To Crypto Geek!

Being a gold/silver bug myself I know how hard it is the break through some of the hard money ideas that are prevalent in the gold/silver community and to see things from a totally different perspective. And that is exactly what one must do to get a glimpse of the absolute genius of cryptocurrencies and the evolutionary changes that they will bring to every aspect of the human existence.

It saddens me to watch friends and acquaintances that refuse to open their minds to the idea of cryptocurrencies. I’m hoping this article may open some of those minds. It only takes a little crack, a small fissure in ones programming in order to change ones perception to begin understanding the incredible future Cryptos have in store for us.

The most difficult idea that gold and silver investors have with cryptocurrencies is the idea that they are not “backed by anything”. This is absolutely counterintuitive to everything that gold and silver bugs have learned. They can’t seem to grasp the idea that what is a benefit or strength for metals would actually be a danger for cryptocurrencies.

They must understand that this is a massive paradigm shift and is unlike any money system this planet has ever known (at least in the "history" that most of us have been taught). To have a currency that is “backed” by something means that whatever that backing (gold/silver/food/tulip bulbs) is can and probably will be confiscated. Even though gold and silver worked quite well for a long time in preventing the bankers from creating more of it out of thin air, eventually in 1933, the very backing that made it beneficial, suddenly became its downfall. As probably most here at Steemit know, FDR confiscated/stole the peoples gold in 1933 and revalued it 3 months later at almost double! Why aren’t people toppling statues of him? Cryptocurrencies have eliminated this possibility of confiscation. What does not exist in physical form cannot be confiscated.

Another benefit of Cryptos over our current debt based, criminal, fiat, monetary system is that it’s extremely difficult for anyone, including government to even figure out who has cryptocurrencies in the first place. So, even if they did want to confiscate them, they would have a very difficult time figuring out who has them.

Another premise of the hard metal community that no longer holds true is the idea that gold is a decentralized asset that no one single person or group controls. Perhaps 2 or 3 hundred years ago that may have been true but with the implementation of central banking came the end of the decentralization of gold. Since central banks have the ability to conjure up as much money as they want out of thin air, the first thing they do is buy up most of the gold or as much as they can. This allows them to pretty much set the price of gold at whatever price they want simply by selling into the market if they want lower prices and buying when they want higher prices. Central banking put an end to the free market in gold and silver and for that matter, all of the other markets as well.

The list of characteristics that make cryptocurrencies so extraordinary is long. As fiat systems around the world start to fall later this year and into 2018, Cryptos will be there to catch them, seemingly just in the nick of time.

Cryptocurrencies cannot be counterfeited, printed or created out of thin air like our present day fiat system. Most of them have a set number of units, after which no more can ever be created.

Cryptocurrencies by their very nature are decentralized. As mentioned before, there are no centralized controlling authorities. Any kind of control that exists is by consensus only!

Cryptocurrencies are the only truly free market left on the planet. Every other market, including, stock, bonds, Foreign Exchange, Commodities Exchange, Interest Rate Swaps, Derivative markets, etc, are all manipulated by the criminal Central Banking Cartel.

You see, it is impossible for these Central Bankers to manipulate Cryptocurrencies to any great extent, because they don’t control them and they can’t print them.

This unprecedented rise in nominal $ value of cryptocurrencies that is happening now is hyperinflation in action. People are getting out of fiat and into what they perceive to have value. Ten years ago people would have been rushing into gold and silver (they probably still will once fiat loses most of its value and can no longer be used as a means of suppression).

We are witnessing the creative destruction of the evil empire along with the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever witnessed. This transfer of wealth, however, is not going to the 1%, it’s going to the average joe computer geeks and libertarians who had the foresight to understand the incredible nature of cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies are a double barreled shotgun blast through the head of the Central Banking Cartel. The Central Bankers are dead, they just don’t realize it yet! The most amazing and incredible thing is that this coup d’etat against this gigantic, monolithic, corrupt, arrogant, criminal Central Banking system is taking place without a shot being fired.

No doubt our children and our grand children's, grand children will smile upon those who have utilized this seemingly God given technology, at the exact instant in time when it was most needed and used it to take on this criminal banking Cabal and defeat them without a drop of blood being spilled! And make a pile of money to boot!

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