I'm long gold again!

Truth be told, I've been long gold for a long time, but I've only just begun accumulating again over the past few weeks.


What convinced me to begin stacking in earnest again was this headline: Hedge Funds Abandon Gold to Chase Bitcoin.

I figured that if I got in on bitcoin at $3 and they're getting in at $20,000, then I must be the smart money at this poker table. Definitely a contrarian indicator anyway.

This time around I'm also long a few miners (both gold and silver) and some mining ETFs.

I would say 'wish me luck,' but gold has been money for 5,000 years so it's got a great track record . . .

And, for those who have never seen this before, this is me and Max with a special 'BUY GOLD' fake ad we made in Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris way way back in 2006 when it was a few hundred bucks per ounce. Check out my dancing! LOL.

[Signed, Stacy]

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