Please Help Me Research a Benjamin Fulford Claim

Hello Steemians,

An article spotted on Drudge Report today seems to confirm one of @benjaminfulford's claims, which I am attempting to verify.


I'm not going to link to any of Mr. Fulford's articles directly, but I will summarize his claim here:

  1. In the aftermath of the Bretton Woods agreement, the elite families of Asia agreed to institute the US dollar as the global reserve currency in exchange for Great Britain and the United States using their technology to modernize the rest of the world.

  2. These same families agreed to take their massive gold reserves off the market in order to allow the United States to purchase dollar-backed debt with their own reserves.

  3. The elite families hid their gold reserves in places such as sunken ships and in caves for safe keeping.

  4. Now that the elites of Great Britain and the US have (clearly) reneged on their promise, the Asian elites are beginning to recover their gold in order to use it to finance a new global monetary system.

I hope that's clear. My understanding of finance is a little limited.

Now, this story states that"Some historical accounts have revealed the Dmitrii Donskoi carried the treasury of the entire flotilla which would have included the port expenses and also the salaries of sailors and officers." (emphasis added) It's unclear where they came up with the $130 billion (£100 billion) number, but I decided to do the math to see whether that would be a feasible amount of gold for one 19th-Century battleship to be carrying.

At the current value of $1229.63 per ounce, that works out to:

105722859.722 Troy ounces, or
8810238.31 Troy pounds, or
3288.35 tons

Please double-check my math. (I'm not sure how commenters came to their figure of 2276 tons)

The Wikipedia article on the ship lists its displacement at deep load as 5683 tons. So, it seems extremely unlikely to me that it would have been carrying such a load during a battle. Can someone with a better knowledge of maritime cargo loads comment on this?

It seems to me like there is no way the ship could have been carrying this much gold, which supports Fulford's claim (I guess I should use the word 'report') that the gold was actually deposited on a later date at the location of a known shipwreck.

I also note that the salvage team have yet to actually find any gold, and estimates of the total amount are based solely on the "Some historical accounts" mentioned above. Without examining those accounts it's impossible to determine whether or not the amount cited in the article is a reasonable estimate, but I note that it's a 'nice round number'.

So my guess would be that these elite families have already started reclaiming their gold hoards, and this story is just meant to ease people into the idea that there is a lot more gold in the world than we've been aware of for the past half-century. Could also be a coded signal to certain readers.

Well, that's it for ol' Ev Dogg today. Thanks for reading, and please comment, upvote, share, and subscribe!




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