The Federal Reserve OR Iran....what’s driving the gold price?

In case you haven’t noticed, gold bullion has been on a steady rise in 2019 and more spectacularly just in the last couple days. Tonight it breached the key resistance level of $1400 and it’s still climbing. What do you think is the cause behind this in the last 72 hours?

Federal Reserve chairman Powell dropped serious hints that we would see a rate cut forsue in July and another one in September. This sent investor money running scared because the stock market is fragil and the thought of more money expansion (quantitative easing) is almost a mathematical certainty at this point. The smart money knew this was coming and the whole “great economy” talk was fake.

Iran has been accused of blowing holes in a couple oil tankers this week as well as admitting to shooting down a USA drone today. Iran says we were in their airspace, while Our military says we were clearly in international waters. Who is lying? Is this a deep state false flag to bait the USA into another endless, needless war? If Iran did do these things can we continue to get punched in the face without retaliation?

One thing is fore sure, the world is catching onto corruption in banks, market rigging and the obvious fact that Bitcoin is proof that the dollar is eroding away slowly one more day at a time. Gold and silver are coiled and set up for an epic bull run and the ironic thing is Bitcoin (gold 2.0) is moving up right with them!

If you hold lots of paper dollars in a bank....YOU are a complete sucker!

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