3am sound of darts

originally recorded 20 april 2019 from basement (affected locations include vatican, monarch and Federal and those under their management), which has many spider webs yet no spiders.

since arriving, increased insatiable appetite. might be considered good, since healthy weight gain is noticeable. realization: inducing weight gain increases body of water, making for easier target for energy directed weapon (EDW).

previous night (19th), audio frequencies trigger root chakra for AI rape.

two nights back (22nd), breathing challenged while sleeping. unlike throat chakra choke, autorespiratory breathing seemed faulty. remedy: applied wim hof's breathing technique to increase mindfullness' efficiency and stimulate circulatory system. (more remedies found in video text.)

other frequencies being applied, include:
wireless radiation, which causes jaw to tighten.
sonication via CFL bulbs, which mutate cells. even though i removed all CFLs, open cellar wall to neighbor's cellar exposes me to cellular mutations and delivers paranoia programming. remedy: increased copper and zinc intake balance body electric and strengthen toroidal and poloidal fields.

one contact mentioned galactic radiation aligns with man's natural frequencies. unlike electro-smog created from wireless network. fifth generation of wireless technology in "reports" might be misleading to throw off natural progression of galactic radiation and its benefits.

what if those who removed gold standard in 1971 from the monetary system are the same ones who want to prevent restoring gold standard in 2023? what's the big deal about gold, anyway?

gold is nobody's liability. gold is one-hundred percent natural abundance (similar to platinum and palladium in phonon resonance), unlike silver, which is fifty-one-point eight percent natural abundance. with silver dollars, one hold majority of sovereignty but not one-hundred percent natually abundant. this works for bankrupt situations, but those seeking sovereignty, gold standard removes all liability.

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