No EasyFix for my situation at hand! Where are the morals in this world????

I will try to not make this into a rant. I would rather hope I can give hope to those enduring the same situation and advice to those who put us into these situations.

First let me explain the situation at hand.
We are basically getting kicked out of the house we have been renting for the past 5 years. We live on a paycheck to paycheck basis so money is extremely tight.
Our landlord knows this, but still thought it was a great idea to kick us out in the coldest month of the year (Feb.)
Now I don't celebrate xmas, but they do and they decided to let us know about their plans on the 18th of December! Was that a xmas gift for us?
Were are people morals these days?
I have 3 kids and a wife and they know we don't have 2 nickels to rub together.
Landlords let me give you some advice, Don't do this to anyone, it is immorally wrong and the negative feedback I have to give out is killing me. All I get is people shaking their heads and asking me if I am serious.
So now for the hope for all of you who have endured this before or are going thru this now.
Do whatever you can, don't give up. Ask God for guidance and let him do his work, but at the same time don't be lazy.
I have also made a gofundme page, so that is something you can do too. I don't know if it will even bring one buck in, but hey I am doing everything I can think of to do.
Also consider downsizing.
We have decided that we are going to get a travel camper and get out of this rat race. we are tired of dealing with people who just care about the almighty dollar and don't care who they step on in the process, even if it means putting a family of 5 out in the cold during the coldest time of the year!
Perhaps you can do what we are doing. also we will have to go to a warmer climate for now as we will not be able to afford the heating costs.
Maybe this might be good for you.
We have also looked into renting land on camp grounds and private lots too. Did you know you can rent out places like this for 2 to 5 grand for an entire year???
Some places like state parks are free.
There are some who offer water and electric for 10 to 20 bucks a day, that is less than 100 bucks a month.
Just note that there are usually limits of how long you can stay (usually about 30 days), but you can always just move to a different site every month and explore the land.
And if your tired of that place then all you have to do is pack up your house and move!
So my point is there are other options.

Well whatever happens will happen, wish us luck and for everyone going thru this keep your chin up.
Thanks for reading this everyone.

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