Curious Corruption and Deadly Delusions - The Time has Come for Wonderland to Wake UP

I am and always have been out for nothing other than the truth. Because I want the whole truth and nothing but the truth, I have no problem examining topics that may completely contradict everything I’ve come to believe thus far. Playing devils advocate in a sense and always making sure to examine both sides of every situation because the truth usually lies somewhere in between.

This evening I was taking a step back after drowning in too many details as of late and sort of trying to look at every angle from a 40,000 foot view. While doing so I had a CRAZY theory cross my mind that is essentially the opposite of everything I had come to believe thus far however given how messed up we all know the world is and how many lies we’ve all been told, I really feel like it’s at least worth mentioning at this point.

What if, EVERYTHING that every single one of us thinks we know, is wrong?
For the last several years we have been shown WHY this entire world was designed the way it was, but for what SPECIFIC reasons? Emotions can cloud judgement and I think many of us have allowed our emotions to get the best of us at times and possibly disrupt our discernment due to the graphic nature of the information we take in on a regular basis and the effects it can have on our hearts minds. After calming/quieting my mind a bit I saw a specific bible verse that seemed to send sparks across my mind.

Revelation 7:4 reads, “Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all of the tribes of Israel.”

What if this was created to warn us about what the corrupt governments of the world are about to attempt to do to a lot of people (144,000 in fact) that do not deserve it? Considering the level of classification this would carry, the ONLY way to get the true message to the people of the world would be by “mirroring” the truth with the untruths and praying someone figured it out. It would take years, just like it present day has, to teach an entire planets population about the corruption and lies but also the importance of discernment and thinking for yourself. You cannot TELL the people, you must SHOW them.

WHAT IF, these “sealed indictments” were not for pedophiles or celebrities but for the 144,000 spoken of in the Bible and mentioned in the verse above?
What if this was actually planned by the “dark” to prevent certain events from one day occurring but was hijacked for the greater good?
It would explain the DNA, the surveillance, the hate for religion along with SO MANY other things.

What if our government plans to arrest 144,000 innocent people?
Think about this, NO ONE would ever believe at this point with what is going on in the world that all of those people aren’t pedophiles, it would be the PERFECT set up to take out those made of light and also allow their heinous plans to continue in the darkness while the people of the world believe the swamps have been drained. Think of it’s going to be biblical, light vs. dark, enough must see it’s the only way, children of the light vs children of darkness, all from Q posts.

I must say, I now even further understand why declassification and transparency are so incredibly important and truly the only way out right now, we need to know what the heck is going on STAT. It would also certainly explain why the mass arrests have yet to occur.

What if “the stage has been set” and “you are watching a movie” has been exactly that and done to program everyone into automatically believing whatever they tell us about the arrests that may occur because we have invested 3 years of our lives into this movement and would never even think to question any of the occurrences at this point when many have been anxiously awaiting their arrival?

What if friends and/or family members of these 144,000 have been manipulated into selling them out or trying to collect dirt or information on them for these very indictments?
What if they have been watching all 144,000 of these people for most of their lives, manipulating them with mental warfare and biological weapons (pharmaceuticals) to ensure they make life choices or don’t achieve certain successes so their false narrative can continue successfully?
What if one of them is you?
What if one of them is your adult child?
Your parents?
Your best friends?
What if you KNOW they are innocent and couldn’t possibly be guilty of these accusations but you watch them get carted away during a mass arrest?
Certainly some things to look in to.
Think for yourselves, look at ALL of the information and remove emotion.
Look to only tangibles and proofs.
Our faith is more important now than ever.
Digest, Pray and READ the BIBLE.
Compare information from every source you find it.
There is always a little truth woven in to every lie.
For God, for Country and for OUR CHILDREN.

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