Autobiografía -Autobiography

Les quería presentar un poco de mí, pudiera ser, contando un poco sobre mi nuevo trabajo, que es un diario, el cual es un poco introspectivo. de manera que es mío y a la vez no, quisiera empezar así. tenía una cuenta antes, pero la perdí, quiero apoyar a todos, y los que quieran compartir sus ideas conmigo seria magnifico. citare, dentro de este párrafo la primera parte de mi diario. “martes 07 noviembre Nunca supe como paso, simplemente llego el día, sentía tristeza, pero no sabía que era. No llame a nadie. No grite. Me sentía nulo, intenso, vacío y tenue. No escribí, no sabía que podía escribir. Solo pensé, y de allí, pensar se volvió un mal hábito”

I wanted to introduce you to a little bit of me, perhaps, telling you a little about my new job, which is a diary, which is a bit introspective. so it is mine and at the same time it is not, I would like to start like that. I had an account before, but I lost it, I want to support everyone, and those who want to share their ideas with me would be great. I will quote, within this paragraph, the first part of my diary. “Tuesday, November 7th I never knew how it happened, the day simply arrived, I felt sadness, but I didn't know what it was. Don't call anyone. Don't scream. I felt null, intense, empty and tenuous. I didn't write, I didn't know I could write. “I just thought, and from there, thinking became a bad habit.”

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