Unhinged Gods

So what do you do when social etiquette and good manners ruin your weekend? Well instead of getting lots done with the free time you were hoping to have, you end up binging Gods Unchained.

It is the perfect recipe to try and figure out how the hell the whole thing works. Since you are technically not going to work-work you may as well work at figuring out the ins and outs of a game you could almost call work-work but not really work, although it will work for you once you get it to work.


Weekend Drunk... I mean ranked.

GU Level 42

At the start of the weekend, Friday I got home not late but past booting up the server and focusing on getting some work done time. So I opened Gods Unchained and started playing a deck I had tweaked for the first time.

I think I started the weekend at the base level. I really can't be sure since the ranks make no sense to me yet.

In my usual kamikaze-style, I just went headlong, dived in with a shitty starter deck tweaked by removing 4 obviously crappy cards and I started playing at level 29ish.

In hindsight now two days later, I should probably grab a deck from GUdecks that is prebuilt. Although I think I am now at a similar rank heading to Astral Meteorite as a Level 4 Summoner would be in Gold 2 or 1 on Splinterlands.

To translate, it is "Hit and miss, with more miss than hit."

Seemingly I still got a few wins and for every level which is far more common than say Quests in Splinterlands you at least get a new pack.

Since it is Weekend Ranked it is a contest to get free purchasable packs from the new set. Supposedly I got one Rare Divine Order Pack but I will see if that is true still.

penderis GUdescks stats

Circle Jerk Gods

Now it is Monday and I had another half day of work before back to work-work.

graph of wins and losses

So the little blue graph line thingy, are my wins and losses. Like bitcoin but worse. I kept tweaking different decks over the weekend and played enough to see which ones earn me more Flux since if they don't then it is kinda like that God has run its course for the time being.

I play a few more games to remove cards that I find bothersome but I do seem to not know which cards work well together.

It could purely be because I don't exactly have an extensive deck and so be it.

The BIG drop on the 28th is when I started building my own decks from scratch. Shit hit the fan and there are no two ways about it. I fucked up. I am fucking up.

Fortunately, I still level up, and if I still level up I still get packs and with the whole hit and miss ratio being a 50% gamble, I even earn Flux which I need to upgrade cards and I will probably get some $GODS tokens to pay for those.

Actually, it does seem the game has far more growing mechanics in with less financial burden than Splinterlands. It is still a long way before I would cash in but I think from a purely game mechanics perspective Gods Unchained does have the more engaging experience and difficulty curve.

Ok bye.

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