A thousands of words have been written on this platform about various topics, but what I'm about to tell you, the topic am about to discuss is 100% the most important piece of knowledge you will ever learn from me on here.

I don't care what you're doing right now, you need to devote all of your attention and brain power to what I'm about to tell you. Your mindset towards life will never remain the same.

I wish to begin with a short story that happened in a village where there has not been rainfall for nearly 2 years. It got disturbingly strange that the villagers unanimously agreed to undergo a prayer session and ask for the mercy of The god of rain. At the agreed date and time for the prayers to kick off, the villagers all came out, but only one boy came out with an umbrella. THERE'S WHAT I CALL PRACTICAL FAITH and that's what i want us to discuss today.

Often times we do not understand what Faith truly is and how to use it. We seem to be ignorant of the fact that the more practical our faith comes, the more effective it becomes.

During my years in the seminary, i was around to witnessed where practical Faith was applied, that it really touched me so deep. There were 5 seminarians who were marked for expulsion from the seminary school, they have sneaked out of the seminary premises without due permission.

4 out of the 5 boys have rich and wealthy parents and sponsors. But sadly enough, one of the them came from a very poor background. So when the news of their impending expulsion was announced, the rich parents of the seminarians started doing all they can to influence the seminary authorities into letting their own stay back. They brought money and gifts.

The other guy who has no one to speak for him nor gifts to use as enticement, sought the help of a priest. When he finished explaining his bitter ordeal, the priest said to him, "stop wasting your tears on me for i can do nothing for you, save your tears for the Man who can help you." When the seminarian curiously asked who, the priest pointed towards the door of a Chapel nearby, "go there, tell Him all you just told me and pour all these tears for Him. Continue staying there until He answers you."

The seminarian went into the chapel with faith as he was instructed. To cut the long story short, after all said and done, it was only this particular seminarian that was retained. The rest of the rich kids whose parents used their money and influence, got expelled from the seminary. YOUR TEARS COULD BE A USEFUL TOOL BEFORE GOD it compliments our Faith and induces passion into it. Only such passion can uncuff God to rain down miracles.


Types of Faith

Many confuse themselves about the 2 types of Faith, but i will make it as simple and clear as the back of your palm.

Type 1: The first type of faith empowers you to be all you can be, and do all you can do. It's what makes your dreams possible. You don't need to go to church for this faith to be alive, it has been intrinsically wired in you. People who have no religious convictions can still use this type of faith to make their dreams come true.
We were all given this type of faith at birth, so it's a Gift. Some people develop their ability to use this gift, while others hardly know it's there.

This type of faith can be translated into action through your words and thoughts by using the Law of Attraction.
But most importantly, Be careful how you use this gift. With power comes responsibility and accountability. The universe treads slowly but it treads sure. It has been charged with keeping account of how we use this type of Faith.

Type 2: This second type of faith empowers God to do the things for you that you can't do for yourself. It makes it very possible for God to work and achieve in your life, things you have tried as a human and failed. This type of faith is almost always most effective, when it follows the first type of faith heel to heel.
The little boy that came out with an umbrella, has already said to himself before coming out, "this evening, during this prayer session, there shall be a rainfall."

I can not emphasize enough on the usefulness of emotions and passion when using this type of faith. You need to let God see your heart exactly as it is. Your tears are strong tools in conveying such message, so save them.


In conclusion, there are cases where these two types of Faith are misused or should i say confused. No matter what faith you think you have, God cannot do for you what he knows you can do for yourself. He has given you the first type of faith to do things you can do as a human, so do not confuse yourself.


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