# Many are called but few are chosen

Matthew 22:14
God calls many of us in various ways to do various things in His will. God has called us to accept Him as our Savior, to serve Him and others, to obey Him, and to confess our sins.
God also calls us to do things in His will that are specifically His purpose for us in life. Our calling from God gives us a purpose and outlet to serve God and utilize our spiritual gifts to bring God glory.

When God calls us, there are several mistakes that we may make that keep us from answering His call and being chosen.

  1. We may be too distracted with our own problems and the world's pleasures, so we do not hear God's calling.
  2. We may do whatever we want to do and claim that it is God's calling for us when God would never call us to do what we did.
  3. We may hear God calling us, but we refuse to answer and obey God's calling. In order to hear God's calling, we must pray to Him, listen for His voice, and read our Bibles daily.
    When God is calling us to do His will, it will feel right, and we will have no doubt that He is speaking to us because He will make it obvious to us. When God calls you, make sure you are listening and answer Him.

Reminder..He always qualifies those He calls…
Remember we walk in faith!! Always His will not mine
GOD be with you.

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