I want to believe. Can you help?

Most people on the planet believe in the god of the old testament or a god that their society believes in.

Just about every civilisation and culture throughout history has or has had a belief in some form of higher being.

When I was young my parents would take me to church where lots of well dressed important looking people were talking to god and so I just went along with it because I kind of trusted that they knew their stuff.

However it used to trouble me that god was invisible and couldn't speak or be detectable in any way.

I'd hear people say I found god and I'd be thinking where?

Where did you find him?

People say they have faith in the existence of their god, but what does faith mean?

Typing 'define faith' in google gives the following: 'a strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.'

Again this troubles me, how can I believe in something without proof.

Like if someone said there was a gremlin on the dark side of the moon with a computer that controlled the weather or punished people for being bad.

I couldn't believe it because there is no proof.

As I grew up I had so many questions about life, the universe and my place in it. I found that science was able to answer many of my questions with evidence and proof. Learning about evolution gave me an epiphany. Suddenly all the diversity of life on Earth made sense. I wanted to know about the universe, energy, matter, space and time so I studied a physics degree. I found joy in finding things out, but I never found god.

People that believe in god are generally happier, have a higher chance of staying married and live longer.

I must admit that I am a bit grumpy about the thought of dying someday and returning to the abyss of nothingness like before I was born.

Please can someone convince me that there is a god out there somewhere, so I can join the party and feel a bit less of an outsider.


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