Religion? You've got it all wrong.

What type of person would think that their god would want them sitting in an old building while singing praise to a representation of a man tortured to death by other men?

What type of person would think that their god would want them to fast without water from dawn to dusk for a whole month?

Crazy people that is who!

If there was such a thing as a god do you honestly think he created you so that you could half starve yourself in worship of his name? Do you really think he wants to listen to you asking for forgiveness for all your sins every Sunday?

Of course a god wouldn't want that! They would want you out there enjoying life for all of what it has to offer.
Man wrote these holy books that the religious person holds so dear. These holy books were wrote by men who wanted to instil fear, and to control others with that fear. It is these men that you have wasted years of worship on, not god.

Would you believe the word of a stranger over the internet without first seeing proof to back up his stories of miracles? No you wouldn't because that would be crazy, right?.
So why would you believe a story told in a book that was wrote centuries ago? Think about it for a minute.

Is it because your culture, your family have passed on the fear of the words contained within these holy books as it had been passed on to them. The lie's that were laid down within the pages of these books gained their power because of broken and weak minded people believing in the promise that the life after this one offers them riches and happiness unbounded, but only if they sacrificed and worshipped in this life. What a waste of a good life.

If there is such a thing as a god up there I am sure he would just appreciate you waking up on a glorious day and saying 'thanks mate' and then have you going about enjoying it.

If you are offended by my post then you are one of the crazy people who have been sucked into the lie and you will spend the rest of your days being controlled and living in fear of a man made book.


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