Jesus Wept

This verse best fits the hardships and tragedies that we have felt, witnessed and endured so far this year.
“Jesus wept.” - John 11:35
This is one of the shortest verses in the Bible and yet one that allows us to see straight into the very heart of God. God who is acquainted with grief and understands deep sorrow for he gave us his only begotten son. He wept. He hurt. He grieved. He experienced loss. He felt compassion. He understood this path of suffering.
There are some who walk amongst us, and falsely believe they hold great power. They carry a gun and they attack. They follow the very evil whispers of the enemy himself. Their main aim is…
“to steal, kill, and destroy.” -John 10:10
But what they don’t know is that they can never truly win. For they’re not merely fighting against flesh and blood, they’re fighting against God. And God has already won! Jesus has conquered it all by his own sacrifice on the cross. And no single gunman, no hand of a terrorist, no disease or cancer, no tragic accident, nor even the final days of our old age can ever separate us from the love and sheer grace of God. For He has set eternity in our hearts. We’re set free by His power.
One final breath here on earth is just the beginning of life evermore.

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