When we start to look back to our inside - the world will change

 I wonder, when there is the hour 0, will there be the repeat of all same? 0 by one anytime? an idea when it fells like this again, before we start again and start again with all the same issues we meet to lern our live is a circle?When there was someone fearing, he thought he fears someone or something. Has anyone here ever thought about the love in dearness?When the light is there, no one will become happy, if he does not know what is means to be sad. So I can be Lucky, to get the chance to see the darkness. When we change our minds and become Lucky when we are in the darkness, the light will come, as the polarity still will exist by the nature paws but the darkness will be gone as the person who let us fear the darkness in future will make us happy and happiness is the opposite of love in future.Imagine, whenever someone let you fear anything, remember the words, you are lucky and from now on you should be happy for let the others help you. When you are sad, you believe you have to be, because you lost something, you can think about how much your love, is from now, when fearing is the lucky and lucky causes love to anyone as darkness no more is part of the system.Everyone knows and feels the pain of step by step giving up hope to a better future. When there is an idea of peace, suddenly, there is a human still unknown about the humidity and will give darkness and the others fear and fight. Friday’s for future, is nothing it is nothing and anything at the same time. It is nothing, when more and more people do not even accept, that their darkness is not better it just makes it worse.Now as there is no more darkness in the future, love and light will suddenly change the world, you can see in London today, where your kids leave you, because you run in to darkness and not to see you are looking to the wrong issues. Then the life ends, it just that you can not take all the things you have wasted you life for, you finally lose anything, when your kids leave you for being the friend of the darkness.In future, love and light shall replace the fear and parent should find back the real love of the children. Children can be anything for us and nothing at the same time. When you go to the mall in future, anytime you buy a toy or something for a person you believe you love, stop back and check you mind of telling you the right feeling. Your child would never prefer the toy than is waiting for your humidity, finally giving up to the darkness you give to them the past live. Humans that sell their soul to a system, that steels our planet for accounts that are filled for someone who can not even remember he had kids before? He can not, because he lost the reality about money as the world is dark and there was no more light for them. In future there is no darkness, when you open your eyes and see a light all the time.We stop closing our eyes as we will sadly die when we forgot the love of our children. There is light, light also for the parents who made issues in the past when anything is nothing.
Believe, the hunger can be stop, just because you better give you child and friends a strong hug than buying what nobody needs, because in the darkness, was missing the light to realize what you hide. Humans that have lost the idea of the value they have, should quickly spend their leftover to all the humans that are dying anywhere, as the sadness they feel of getting more and more into nothing because they have no idea how the love feels and can not buy the happiness until the way die.The future it no more full of war, because war was done by the unknown reasons from the darkness. We are all humans and just we found the love by the religion and feel the right, we have no idea if this is already the reason for living. I feel, that the harmony, when darkness is gone from our heart will be the light for all time and nations and heal the world.We have systems and machinery ready to use, but hide, just because we do no more remember the amount on our account or the value we can get. We kill our own soul and steal the happiness from our kids for reasons we never can understand as a human.? When there is light, this can not happen, whenever there is situation of darkness in the past, we will stop action and deeply go into our mind. We will think, there was someone who just tried to bring us into darkness but we will find the new answer instead of punishing or fight for, getting a bad feeling we will remind us on how thankful we can be, he showed us the darkness, as this was the way to find our children and their love again and love is all we need in live.These days, our planet is dying, because of anything and nothing. Because we now but we fear the darkness of being helpless, we where not able to see. Now as we all start shining more and more in our humidity from our heart, and the darkness can never come back, we see the pain of us and the planet and we try the best to help. The darkness let us forget our past and we are doing the same again and again, but then suddenly we ask our self, why we are so sad? Why anyone is against us, why. We have no one who helps? We did not see due to the darkness, that we do not need to give money. We blame the homeless for being what he is but could not see, that we where the sad one and he was the helper. He reminds us, of the darkness and if we don’t help him in future, we might stay in the circle of sadness and stay with feeling the pain of losing all our humidity for a value of nothing. We spend our kids to the cash in the pocket, that we will lose when we go back into the light taking us back to the universal anything.The history is anything we have to see and that will give us the power of light the dark.? The universe is nothing but anything and still able to power all our planet. We could not use the light, as darkness let us believe we are good when we earn. When we earn, we start to believing, we will be good when we have, when we have we start to believe we are good when we have more, but when there is light we can see that more, most, and even everything is nothing when we lose our kids and humidity, until we go into the light.Light is everywhere and light has no name. Light can pass anything up to our brain? Even we believe we are sick, we can live forever when we brocade our love to our children by nature and truth instead of protection and isolation. There is no more reason to protect, because darkness can never be as it is nothing when love and light is free.When you are sad from the bad, remember the angel who gave you the sadness, is a helper and the passed away darkness is nothing and anything and only you will decide if you are sad or thankful. Whenever you see a sad one, remember your sadness and heal your souls by giving them love. When there is a homeless person give them a hand and help, they don’t want your money out show you what can be no more exist, they are angel of the passed that keep you the light way to enjoy the love ❤️ at all time in anytime in future and now.This is my first rep of mind change, that I like to share for a healing planet and back growing humidity, that can easily be paid by the money, that no one remembers.? Anyone should gather the amount just in mind, that he owns all together. Anything you will find that you do not remember, we should collect for the country and humans in need. We should stop all the war as there is no reason to fight. We are all humans and we are all right. We have all our mistakes and anyone show us is help. We can be thankful and feel al the love, we can be sad and find into risk of reminding what there is no more but is in the past.We need to Respekt all the action, that where necessary to get to the point of future. Future is the new idea that there was but we could not see it, because we where in the dark.!We guide our kids to be quite and blind, we tell them stories of what they will find to remind, we are smart but proof we are the stupid to steal our kids live before they have a chance to see how light and lovely our world could be, if we now all decide to open the eyes to the value of our nature, inside our soul.! We all belive it is difficult, because there was a dark to cover the fact of the try to help, but sadly guided to dark without explanation as we where the pure love!Remember the Maya already know, we feel helpless as we could not change what there was but not us. Most of the humans who have, felt they lost as there was the darkness.Remember, the fear of lost, is only a sign of how much you have, which will be there whenever you give. In future there are changes and faster as you belive, there might be anything or nothing and you decide if you can accept to see anything when in the light, but can not take all your money, to cover the endless pain which will follow your soul into the night which is no more existing but we will see after the light way from earth to heaven in universe anything but nothing.We are together and heaven on earth is our way to find back the nature love of anyone and anything as a feeling of happiness, love and fulfilled to be strong to heal what is destroyed. We are anyone, we can hopefully find all the world by this massage and the universe see a bright future with all that learned their lesson and that are willing to help, healing as anyone can, even he is a “Greys” you can translate into the language of life as there is no more darkness to hate, we all can go back to the soul proud and in any time we are willing to be remembered by one of the angel that take care of us.Whenever there is a mountain, we can climb, this is the real proof that we studied to waste our time in use of now have the strengths to make the Mountain reality by the idea that there is still All the nature existing in future if now we directly stop, stop to fight, and not fighting back, when they force us to lose the light and work against our healing soul but never forget who we are. We are anything but nothing, just by a decision we can be and find reality.Smart humans from passed, they found solution that never be the last of the time, but is is now, and it will be in anytime and stop there is no searching that can help, you will find when you start to be what is light after the time start to transform to real and you will be, whenever your idea is to see. 

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