How is the world's laziest and most enjoyable group of people blessed by god?

How is the world's laziest and most enjoyable group of people blessed by god?


 Aboriginal Australianas土著,是澳大利亚最早的居民。在库克船长没有发现澳大利亚这座大岛之前,这座岛上只有这群游牧的土著民族在这里休养生息。 

Aboriginal australians are the earliest inhabitants of Australia. Before captain cook discovered Australia's big island, the island was home to only the nomadic tribes. How is the world's laziest and most enjoyable group of people blessed by god?

 著名的Ayers Rock又名Uluru  Rock,位于澳洲北领地爱丽丝泉市。这里是澳洲土著文化的发源地,由于澳洲地大物博且土地肥沃,这里的人们每天只需要打打猎和采集采集果实便可生存,再加上四季变化不大,岛上又没有对人类有威胁的大型猛兽。因此这群被上帝宠爱人们每天吃饱之后,便是自娱自乐的时间了。 

The famous Ayers Rock, also known as Uluru Rock, is located in Alice springs, northern Australia. Here is the birthplace of Australian aboriginal culture, because Australia is humongous and fertile land, the people here just need to play every day hunting and gathering gathering fruit can survive, plus four seasons changed a little, and there is no threat to humans have large animals on the island. So it's time to amuse yourself after being pampered by god.


 ■ 那么,万能的上帝是如何宠爱这群人的呢?如果说那个种族的人最懒和最会享受生活,那么这群土著人真的做到了当之无愧!因为一年四季都有可以采摘的果实,所以澳洲土著是唯一不会且不无需耕种的族群。 

So how did the almighty god spoil the crowd?

If the people of that race are the laziest and most enjoy life, this group of aborigines really deserve it! Native australians are the only ethnic group that does not need to farm because of the fruit they can harvest all the year round.

 除了采摘果实和狩猎外,他们还做些什么呢?俗话说文体不分家嘛,当然这群土著人也有自己的艺术品:DOT ART,点画,就是一个点一个点的点成一副大图,通过他们的所见来膜拜心中的图腾。 

What do they do besides picking fruit and hunting?

Stylistic and machinery, as the saying goes, of course, this group of aboriginal people have their own ART: DOT ART, drawing, a point is a point point into a larger image, through they can see the totem worship in the heart.

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