The hymn of Judith: For the Lord is a God who crushes wars; he sets his encampment among his people. Judith 16:2

Without considering the Book of Psalms, the hymn of Judith is one of the great hymns of the Old Testament, along with the song of Moses, which celebrates the passage of the Israelites through the Red Sea, and the song of Anna, which celebrates the birth of the prophet Samuel.
Judith's song, which celebrates the salvation of the Kingdom of Judah at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar's army, is a reminder that sometimes intelligence is better than strength. With Judith's feat recounted in her book, an ancient teaching was fulfilled in a certain way: "Wisdom is better than weapons of war" Ecclesiastes 9:18.
Under special circumstances, the invasion of a foreign army against the nation of Israel, Judith's story is a repetition of David's feat over Goliath; power and force do not ensure victory; and this is what Judith's hymn continually teaches men.
The Song of Judith is a song of praise to God and a hymn of thanksgiving for the victory obtained against the Babylonian empire. With these words, this beautiful song begins:
"Strike up a son to my God with tambourines,
sing to the Lord with cymbals;
Improvise for him a new song,
exalt and acclaim his name.
For the Lord is a God who crushes wars;
he sets his encampment among his people;
he delivered me from the hands of my pursuers" Judith 16:1-2.
Then the song continues and remembers that it was Judit's cunning along with her beauty and bravery that allowed the victory over the Babylonian army and not the force of arms:
"Not by youths was their champion struck down,
nor did Titans bring him low,
nor did tall giants attack him;
But Judith, the daughter of Merari,
by the beauty of her face brought him down" Judith 16:6.
The hymn then ends by praising God for his mercy (compassion, kindness, gentleness) to Israel, and warning those who want to destroy God's promise that misfortune awaits them:
"Woe to the nations that rise against my people!
the Lord Almighty will requite them;
in the day of judgment he will punish them" Judit 16:17.
Judith's song finally ends with a great teaching, both evil and good return to those who practice it.
The hymn of Judith. For the Lord is a God who crushes wars; he sets his encampment among his people. Judith 16,2.jpg
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