How to plan and EXECUTE in 2018

I’ve been talking a big talk for years and I’ve missed out on the joy of progress that results from actually taking action. Most of my apathy can be attributed to the fact that I never physically jotted down my goals, aspirations or dreams. There was nothing tangible to reflect back on, nor was there a catalyst to light a fire underneath my you-know-what. Last year, I decided to change my way of thinking and acting. I have made up my mind that, through intentionality, and a bit of personal and relational accountability, I will execute that which I have put off for years.

Here are a few steps I think that we all can take to achieve whch we've subconsciously dubbed impossible through inaction.

Write your goals down

   I’ve listened to a myriad of great leaders that go hard on this point, but does anybody really know why? It can’t simply be because it makes your goals more visual, can it? Maybe. However, I have become convinced that most of us retain information more conclusively when we physically write things down. The connection between the hand and the brain is not one that should be taken for granted. Think about all those times when you’ve “caught a blank” and could not seem to remember how to spell a particular word. What was the first thing you would do to recall that information? My guess is, you would grab a piece of paper and jot it down quickly, or if paper was not available, you would use the age old technique of writing words with your finger in midair. If it looks right and feels right, then it must be right. Right?

Whichever way you decide to document your goals this year is completely up to you. I would like to encourage you to summarize your first draft with ink and paper. You may just be surprised how much more impactful the process will be. As for me and my household, we will be writing our goals down. The physical act of writing stimulates the journalistic process and helps us all retain and solidify new information more succinctly.

Set Manageable goals

Notice I didn’t say “set easily achievable goals”. If they were easily achievable you would’ve accomplished them already. To succeed one must be willing to take risks and to enter the perilous realm of both reprimands and honors. One must be willing to set previously unattainable and seemingly unachievable goals without sacrificing regulation. There is an age old saying that states that the best fruit is typically found out on the furthest limb. Growing up on an island surrounded by a myriad of fruit trees, I can confirm that this is, at least most of the time, the reality. No individual becomes the best in their field without going beyond that which is the norm-- that which is achievable by the majority. It is just a fact of life. Remember, management does not necessarily have to mean cencorship. You can be the fastest runner in the world, but if you never manage your life so that you make it to the track for every race, you will never realize your potential.

Be intentional about daily progress

Work at it! This seems to go without saying, but you’d be surprised how apathetic you can become once you’ve written down your goals and made yourself feel good about your future.

Daily progress means you MUST work on your goal or goals EVERYDAY, even when you don’t feel like it. Even if you have the most valid of excuses, you must find a way to keep those goal-accomplishing-muscles active and growing. Trust me when I tell you, they do fatigue if left inactive. I’ve found that progress, even on the smallest of scales, leads to increased happiness. Once we see that we’re getting results; once we get over that initial hump, our results become the impetus that continually pushes us farther.

Share your goals with someone close to you

To be honest, I absolutely HATE doing this! In my mind, this makes goals even harder to accomplish because there is now accountability. Now, you will inherit that annoying friend or spouse that actually holds you to your word and asks “how’s is going?” or “how are the goals coming along?” Trust me when I say that as much as this part of the process is unnerving, it is extremely advantageous. Why? It is unbelievably hard to be disciplined and unswerving when it comes to holding yourself accountable on a day-to-day or week-to-week basis. There are too many things vying for your attention; too many daily “life disruptions.” Because of this, you will find that there is tremendous power in being able to have someone close by that will both challenge and comfort you when you are unable to challenge or comfort yourself. It is so easy to let ourselves down and get away with it—we’re very forgiving in that regard. However, it is hard and almost painful to let ourselves down in front of others or better yet to let others down. There is power in being able to have someone that has your best interest at heart available to you as a sounding board.


If you want lasting results in your life you must reach beyond that which you can already grasp without much effort. Manage your aspirations without tempering them. Plan your goals out in achievable steps, but do not relax them. Measure your progress, but never allow progress to make you comfortable. Remember, if it were easy everyone would already be successful.

The antidote to despair is action, so take action TODAY!

Craig A.

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