Socially Creative Entrepreneurship | A tool for bringing forth magic in daily life

When I continue to bump into walls on a particular project...

I know I need to call upon resources. That might be phoning a friend. Taking a nap. Going for a run…

Another tool that helps keep me on track is one I call, “Setting the Stage for Magic.” Every morning I go through a fifteen minute process with a friend. Then, before a particularly and potentially challenging project or situation, I gear up to make magic happen.

The following process has been informed by ACE coaching, Matrix Leadership, and various mindfulness based practices.

It’s only a framework. If you want more, tell me and I’ll draw out the specifics and particular language that brings the magic to life!

Here it is:

Set the Stage (for magic)

1 - Mindfulness (3 minutes)

2 - Feelings (2 minutes)

  • Name three feelings or bodily sensations without explanation

3 - Remembering & Qualities (3 minutes)

  • Remember a time when someone was supportive of you. What qualities did this person bring forth.
  • Think about the day ahead and consider 5 qualities that you want to call upon to help you move through the day with power and with grace. (More on qualities in another blog!)
  • Write those down.

4 - Willingness (2 minutes)

Say each of the following five affirmations out loud:

  • I am willing to be __________ (name your five qualities)
  • I am willing to be a gravitational force for learning
  • I am willing to see in new ways
  • I am willing to systematically let go of outdated belief structures.
  • I am willing to use my power to guarantee that life’s lessons will successfully sculpt me.

5 - Clarity, focus, ease, and grace (2 minutes)

  • I am willing to bring clarity, focus, ease, and grace to ________________ (a specific activity). I will do this by setting the stage for magic __________(when?)

6 - Accountability (2 minutes)

This is where you say whether or not you set the stage and did the thing you said you would do the day before

  • Yesterday, I did/or didn’t do what I said I would do

7 - (optional) Getting back into integrity or support? (TBD timing on issue to issue basis. Set time beforehand)

This is an incredible process geared to be empowering, not shaming or dwelling. More on this for a soon to come blog called something like, “accountability magic.”

8 - Acknowledgement (1 minute)

  • Say something to your friend that you want to appreciate or acknowledge them for.
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