Commit to Yourself in the New Year

New Year's resolutions rarely last past January. One week you're eating salads at every meal and the next you say, "Screw it," and head out to get some fast food or order a pizza. What are some ways to make those resolutions finally stick?

Resolutions should really change their name to S.M.A.R.T goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. But don't just say "I want to lose 15 pounds by March" and leave it at that. Write down your goal and three things you are doing to work towards that goal. If you don't have anything that you are actively doing to work toward the goal, then it's a lot less likely to stick. That's where the commitment to yourself part comes in.

A new way to write down your goals is to have a bullet journal. This is a trendy journal that you can use as a to-do list, a notebook, a sketchbook or any other organizational tool that you can think of. For example, if your goal is to increase your fitness this year, write down that you are going to start a new and fun workout program, workout three days a week, and challenge yourself to stretch everyday. The bullet journal will force you to commit to yourself and your goals, because you wrote it down so now you are more likely to do it!

Also, share your goal with a friend so that you are more committed. Studies show that sharing your goals, progress, and successes makes you more likely to be committed. Post something on social media to gain even more support: #goals! The positive reinforcement you receive will motivate you to keep at it.

Set a goal in all areas of your life and commit to them: Health, wealth, relationships, travel, and fun. Let me know about some of your goals for the new year in the comments!


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