What Is Wealth To You?

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I know when I ask people this seemingly simple question; “what is wealth to you?” at first, it often stumps them for an answer.

After the glaze in the eyes disappears, they’ll often come back with, “one million dollars,” or some say, “it’s the friends you have.”

Now I’m not going to judge anyone’s personal definition of “wealth.” It’s not my place to do that.

It is my place though to help you define if for yourself, if you let me.

Now you don’t need to aspire to great monetary wealth if you don’t want to; however, for the moment, I hope we can agree that the world, like it or not, revolves around money.

Here’s the thing. It isn’t about how much money you have, it’s about what you do with the money that matters.

I’ve been very broke, where I didn’t know whether to pay the rent or buy food. I really didn’t like that feeling and it didn’t suite the image I had of myself.

And now, I’m pretty well off by most standards, but there are a ton of people with a LOT more money than I have or even aspire to have. But, like I say, that’s a choice.

So in defining wealth, I look at it two ways.

First, what do I have now?

Second, what will I have in the future?

The first one is easy and what I have currently is pretty much in line with what I want. I’m able to do what I want, when I want, where I want, without the monetary constraints most people face.

As for the future – this is important – I need to have security. You might find the strange, but it’s true. I don’t want to give up my current lifestyle, I’ve had it for too long and love it.

So here’s my definition of security: ever increasing my cash flow and growing my net worth continuously, consistently and most important, passively.

HHHMMM… how’s that sound?

Doing that will ensure I’m still able to maintain my lifestyle, travel the world and do as I wish.

But how??

That’s the multi-million-dollar question.

In the report I’ve created; Perpetual Wealth, (it’s more like a short book actually) I detail EXACTLY how to do that!
The beauty is that anyone with a modest or medium income can achieve what I call Perpetual Wealth, given the right strategy and enough time.

Ah, “time.” – That finite factor!

But, don’t worry about the amount of time you have because there are ways that I also detail in the report that you can short-cut a multi-decade process into 3 – 7 years!

Yes, it’s true, you can have Perpetual Wealth in 3 – 7 using the formula I detail in the report.

So, I strongly suggest you grab a copy of the FREE report right here: www.tnperpetualwealth.com

You’ll not only discover the power of Perpetual Wealth, you’ll know exactly how to create it, even if you don’t have the money today to do so.

Get your FREE copy at: www.tnperpetualwealth.com

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