Passing the time

This week I was in the IRC server waiting for people to show up. I ended up playing some lichess with some of the regulars there and had an opportunity to test out the voice server. During the time of the test my internet was being throttled, however it was enough to get it to work. I’ll continue to hang out there and talk to people about Ron and related subjects.

Other than that its been kinda quiet lately. Haven’t seen people comment in my recent posts. However there could be a couple of reasons why. For example I could have posted them at a weird time. That and the fact that this new account doesn’t have much weight on the network. That being said I’m glad I was able to get the account setup and enjoy writing here.

Thinking about the 501 (c) 3 organization we’ll need a couple of people to fill administrative roles within the sect. I’m looking for talented responsible individuals who want to help me out with setting up our collective gnostic community. I know from my studies that what we’re working with can be described as a psycho-spiritual energy system. Psychological yet spiritual in nature because you’re working with energy as a true alchemist.

"Terrible pain is produced in the coccyx. Afterwards, the serpentine fire opens its way
upwards, towards the head. The passing from one cannon into another is performed in
accordance with the moral merits of the disciple. These cannons are the vertebrae of the
spinal column, they are also called pyramids.”

-Samael Aun Weor

I’ve experienced this personally and can attest to the legitimacy of the works of Weor. The knowledge as revealed though his writings is like the bible. Physical works written for spiritual purposes. Most of it was easy to comprehend and I still haven’t been through the whole collection myself. For me that’s going to take some time. I’m in a position now to reacquire the books that I’ve lost. That’s a good place to start, getting reacquainted with the works themselves.

Originally posted on Cult of Ron. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.

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