Global Warming/Climate Change in northwest Arkansas 2/15/21. (Follow Up)


Well it didn't get below 0. If it did it was during the middle of the night while we were sleeping. As of noon right now it says it is 5*degrees but that is in town. Here on the mountain where I am at my phone says it is right at 0 with a wind chill of -14. So we are right there in the negative temperatures!


We didn't quite get 10 inches of snow but I think it is safe to say we got a good 6 inches. We got a good 3 and a half to 4 inches just on the railing of our front porch. But isn't over yet! The snow is still coming down.


The cars definitely got at least 6 inches of snow covering them HA HA. So we ain't going no where HA HA.

It is going to be like this all week. It isn't suppose to get above freezing here till Friday. I can see it being a couple of weeks before all of this snow melts off. Especially when we got more snow coming on Wednesday. When it finally does stop snowing we plan on going out and make a snowman and maybe even some other snow sculptures HA HA.

If you live in the states, how has this winter storm affected you? How much snow did you all get? All of Texas was under a state of emergency and here in Arkansas they called in the National Guard to help out. It seems like the entire rest of the midwest all got lots of snow and below normal freezing temperatures. I think Texas got it the worst with that over 100 car pile up.

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