The ruling establishment is further enriching and empowering themselves by exploiting the public.


Raising prices to a level that excludes a growing percent from meeting basic needs.

If adjustments aren’t made hundreds of millions will likely die due to poverty related issues over the next several years.

While the establishment pretends they care about the public’s health and well being, it’s because of the Western establishment’s exploitative mismanagement and malfeasance policies over the last five decades, that made the current reality what it is.

The billionaire$ that made hundreds of billion$ or more, when all combined, as a direct result of Covid and experimental vaccine policies, could easily chip in or be taxed a few billion each for food production that would meet people’s basic needs without changing the lifestyles of those billionaire$ in any way whatsoever. The fact they don’t chip in or aren’t taxed, reveals their concern for the general population is as good as nonexistent while it appears they’ll be content to stand by and watch the coming carnage. A great deal of the brainwashed public will be standing by as well, hoping it doesn’t happen to them - while this is all being “justified” by what’s now being called a “climate emergency” by its proponents.

So if it’s absolutely necessary to reduce chemical and heavy metals toxins along with Co2, nitrogen and anything else some faction of the establishment claims is bad for our health and the planet’s ecosystems, why are globalists or anyone else still being allowed to fly around in private jets? And if “we,” that’s “we” the human race, need to lower the population in order to stop producing and dispersing so many toxins, why don’t we hold a lottery to see who is going get off the planet instead of letting the globalists starve, and otherwise eliminate a percent of the population, by ruining the economy as a result of their last fifty years of criminal excesses?

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