If only the cartels had a heart.


I have no issues with the idea of curtailing or eliminating the disbursement of heavy metals, chemicals, pcb’s, plastics and toxins in general into the environment while they’re harmful to life and the ecosystem in general.

Simultaneously I couldn’t be more against allowing the most privileged and unscrupulous among us, the globalists, to destroy the economy and hundreds of millions, or perhaps billions of human lives so they can pretend they’re doing their part to save humanity and life on this planet - while all they’re really worried about is maintaining their own wealth and power advantages.

If the size of the human population is causing problems with the life sustaining ecosystem(s) because of things we produce and consume in the course of everyday living, then we can stop producing some of what we use and consume, or we could all draw straws from the same hat, including the billionaires, to see who won’t be allowed to live on planet earth.

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