Globalist Values Part 2: For Trudeau Virtue-signaling Trumps National Defense

 “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power. ― Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda

Globalist Values Part 1 is here.

In Trudeau’s version of NATO, virtue-signaling has presence over national defense. Globalists must turn NATO into a free-for-all, a community with few barriers to new member countries. How else can the cabal gain control over swaths of international military budgets?On July 11, 2018 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland and Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan spoke to an audience at NATO Engages: The Brussels Summit Dialogue.

This is a parallel event, not on the official NATO Summit agenda.

It is noteworthy as an example of as inspiring a public relations stunt as any aspiring globalist could plan. First of all, if you want full context read my previous article here.
Under the ambiguous rubric of “Our Shared Global Values,” and inside of 40 minutes, Trudeau and his enablers tilled typical progressive ground. The usual liberal buzzwords, catch-phrases are dropped. Nebulous terms are used.
We understand the importance of definitions. Trudeau uses the word values repeatedly but leaves it undefined. Similarly, nothing is really fact-checkable.Watching the video I couldn’t overlook the studied performance of all participants including host and audience.
This Brussels dialogue is, in my opinion, tightly scripted; all players hitting their marks, reciting their lines.Moderator Karen Donfried set the boundary of this little set-piece.
Indeed, she spoon-feeds both Justin and the engaged listener the talking points, the limits of what will be said. Listen to her delivery for yourself, here.
Standing on a small theatre style stage, Donfried, having already introduced the trio as ‘Canada’s Dream Team,’ speaks first to the seated Trudeau—ending her lead-in with, “The success of NATO rests on our shared interests…on our belief in common values… [Tell us]…your view of why NATO is vital to Canada’s security and why you see the alliance as relevant to our 21st century challenges.”
Given what we’ve seen and heard over recent years from Trudeau, his admiration for tyrants, obedience to all things United Nations, and not infrequent contact with known terrorists there won’t be any surprises here. 
Trudeau can advance the globalists’ agenda and buff his UN street-cred, as planned.
“My friends, our ambitions can’t be bounded by our borders.” Justin Trudeau. (NP. March 8, 2017.)
I didn’t hear him say anything about how a well-equipped military first and foremost protects its own citizens, starting with secure borders. Didn’t dis’ communism or reaffirm how Islamist terrorists threaten the West. Nope.
He did say, “…enhancing and protecting the democratic principles that we all hold as our core-values….” You won’t hear him define terms of reference as to just what are “our core-values.” Naw, better if you, everyone, just anyone assign your own labels, whatever.
The point of the exercise is to reinforce the current-year narrative. No longer is it acceptable to debate the operational focus of NATO. The science, if you will, is settled.Trudeau is here only to fortify the Opinion corridor, a term first coined in Sweden to describe “what you can acceptably say and, therefore, think.”
Trudeau’s message demands a, "culture of consensus." You can hear him identify the boundaries. He wants followers to understand that the “social cost for presenting an opposing view is too high.”
He is telling those people in command and control in NATO, to leaders, activists, anyone directly or indirectly backing progressive goals here’s how must think, how you must act, what words are acceptable, and yes, thereby which thoughts are allowable.
Recall when Federal Environment Minister McKenna labelled some people as climate deniers? There was a confidence there of protection by her Opinion corridor dwelling cohort. Stick to the script, the official script, the current day’s new official narrative. Opinion corridors are enlarged, shifting constantly.“
In 2017, NATO’s military budget was reportedly, “1.29 billion euro ($1.38 billion),” before we add the civilian budget of, “234.4 million euro ($252 million), and something called the, “NATO Security Investment Program (NSIP), which deals with investment in command and control systems etc.” Add a reported 655 million euro ($704 million) and all in, ballpark of US$2.33B.
When the former schoolteacher lectures us on, “capacity-building and training making sure we have the right leadership,” consider for an instant, those words as not meaning what you think they mean.
The agenda Trudeau is championing is “beyond just the military combat capacities.”
This is the virtue-signal he's sending. You can see how feelings and words, which means how you are to think are now more important than national defense.
Consequently gaining control of ever growing budgets is key. This will ensure authoritarians can buy greater control. And since the military is not a democracy, well you know this can't end well.
Therefore, the goal now is to subvert NATO. Globalists of course will ensure “the right leadership,” is put in place at every level throughout NATO to make certain everyone integrates, learns, and shares core-values.
Trouble is Trudeau will not explicitly tell us what these values are. 

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