

These are the rules for a happy life. These are the instructions from our Father by which we all should live by if we want to have and enjoy our lives. These are the most important rules to live by, and if you do, always count your blessings instead complaining, if you are thankful for the things you do have instead of constantly wanting more and not being happy if you don't have what you want, always helping and comforting others even when you need the help or are hurting, being kind even if you don't feel like it, forgive so that you are pain free, hate free and so that you can enjoy your life.

Always keep your promises and be honest and do what is good so that you can receive the same.

Always love and pray to God, asking Him for His direction and guidance and strength since He controls it all and He has the final say. No matter what the doctors say, no matter what the lawyer says, no matter what the judge says, no matter what people say, God has the final say and that is why we should always go to God first and no people.

And finally, Love One Another which is the most important rule to a happy life which God wants us to have.
These are the family rules, which as parents it is our duty to teach our kids to live by those rules.

Every Sunday I will make a simple post sharing the word of God, just like I did above, because I love sharing the word of God with others because it has really helped me and my family and really changed my life so I would love to share this with others and maybe it can be very helpful to you and inspire you.

All of the proceedings, 100% of the earnings on these GivingBackSunday will be split between the three amazing projects and people who have inspired me in a great way and I would like to contribute to that, but I will need your HELP because with your upvote you will make a difference and change someone's life for the better.
I'm not asking for donations, which if you would like to make you can go directly @familyprotection, @gratefulvibes or @joordanzz, but really all I would like to ask you is your upvotes that will help not one, not two, but three different projects. All upvotes count and by upvoting, you are really making a huge difference and we really appreciate your kind and loving hearts.



Even if you don't believe in the bible, please don't let that stop you from doing good in the world. It's those small steps that count, it doesn't have to be anything big.

A lot of times we hesitate or don't think that those little things can change someone's life, or make any difference and this is the biggest mistake we make because it is those small, those tiny things that make the difference.
A simple smile can make someone's day or even change how they think of themselves, simple kind words can change someone's life even when we don't think anything about it, a warm hug, or a simple call can change life, a simple upvote that we sometimes think of should I, it will not make a big difference can change someone's life.

Let me explain a little about the three different projects that I mentioned above.
@FAMILYPROTECTION is just one of the best projects here created by @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam who are both just beautiful and lovely people who fight against families being destroyed by the social services. I absolutely love what this @familyprotection is doing and how it is a voice and support and huge help to those going through having their families taken apart.
Here is the link, if you would like to find out more:


Follow @familyprotection on Steemit.
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or place them for adoption.
Share your own story and use the tag #familyprotection

Another fantastic project that is dear to my heart and of course it has to do with kids is @GRATEFULVIBES created by a very kind and sweet @paradise-found. #Gratefulvibes is hands down the best challenge here in this community that can change your life for the better.
Original post here: Steemit Community - Attitude of Gratitude Challenge.


Photo by Pixabay

I love how by making this community a better place, @paradise-found is making the difference by helping WWH2H which is a Christian Ministry in Honduras. This is amazing. @paradise-found will donate 50% of his posts rewards of his 70-day #gratefulvibes challenge to these kids in the orphanage in Honduras that includes a medical clinic, and bilingual schools. Here is the link to his post.

The last contribution is to my son @joordanzzz who I would love to help his dream to come true of going to Spain and playing football for Barcelona.
@joordanzzz is a very hard working, goal oriented 15 year old who will pretty much do anything to pursue his football dream.


Last two years, @joordanzzz has been collecting bottles and got a summer job to save money so that he can go to Europe, but mostly Spain to pursue his football dream but as a mom, it is heartbreaking not to be able to help your child to pursue their dream.
I have not met any boys his age, that work as hard or want to succeed as much as he does and that is why he is trying to work so hard on steemit to raise money.

Right now @joordanzzz goal is to go to England for a soccer camp during March Spring Break which right now is the cheapest camp but with a really good reputation and results and that means he has to save $3,000 which he already saved $1,000. This is his dream and this would be one step closer to it.

Unfortunately, @joordanzzz didn't make it for the March soccer camp, since we are still pretty short, but we still have a chance to save for the July camp, even though the spots are getting filled up pretty fast. I leave my trust and hope in God's hands since he has the power to make it happen and if not, I know that He has a better plan for @joordanzzz dream.
I would love to thank all of you for all your amazing support. It means so much and we are very , very grateful.





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