DAMN THE MAN - A New Take on Those Pestery Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Every hates to hear "would you like stay on the line after this call to participate in a brief survey"?


I, like most of you I'm sure, pressed 2 every time.

This was SOP until I started working for a company that employs these surveys.

There is no denying that the surveys are just another corporate way to track employees and figure out how to keep you happy and satisfied... and thereby getting more of your $$$.

HOWEVER, they are also a really easy way to give back to the person on the other end of the line that is helping you.

For these underling-corporate sheep, errrrr, employees - a positive survey could mean the difference between getting promoted, getting a raise, or even the difference between keeping their job or getting let go.

It can even have an impact on that person's bonus.

And as thought more and more about it, I realize its a way for us to stand up for the little people and say REWARD this person - it is a way to have a voice against the corporate machine.

And lets face it, the people answering our phone calls and dealing with our whining, our complaining, and overall d*ckishness probably hate the company they are working for just as much as we do....

disclaimer... I don't hate my company... in fact I love it and it happens to treats its employees very well.

But we all hate calling Verizon (why the actual F*CK is my TV not working when I pay $200 a MONTH?!?)

And you know what, I'm sure the person on the other end of the line every time I call hates Verizon too.

And just one 5 out of 5 survey - or email to a manager ... can really brighten someone's normally really sh*tty day.

Point it: I always though of surveys as being corporate self-serving.

While that's still true, don't forget about the little guy. Because 2 minutes of your time has the potential to put a very big smile on a strangers face who you've never seen or met.

Now what could be better than that?

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