Giving Back 7 💗Guessing Games! Guess the NUMBER, and Guess the CITY!

You have TWO Chances to WIN!!!

WHERE Are these ladies partying at? And GUESS The Number!

Ashley and friends on vacation somewhere. Used by permission of Ashley.


In ONE REPLY, Guess the Number that the BOT Has chosen.

The Number will be between 1 and 1000.

The BOT will reply to your reply and will tell you if your guess is Too Low, Too High, or Correct!

Incorrect guesses will still be UP Voted by the BOT at 10%. ONE GUESS per person!

The First Correct Guess will get a FULL 100% UP Vote!

The BOT will Stop operating after the Correct Guess. It will no longer reply or vote.

I have been testing my GuessNumberBot on my new @kennybot test account. Last night was the final test and it worked perfectly! Check out that test post if you want to see how the number guessing works.


In ANOTHER Reply, GUESS the CITY Where Ashley and her friends are partying on Vacation!

The girls are in bathing suits so you can assume they were near the ocean!

The First Winning guess gets a FULL 100% UP Vote!



UPDATE!!! 6:57 PM 2/17/2018

Both Games have WINNING GUESSES!

Congrats to @metalmag25 and @macksby for guessing that the girls are in MIAMI :)
(At just about the same time, which was too confusing for my brain so both got Full UP votes!)

Congrats to @jeezzle for guessing the correct number of 570 :)

The games are over. But the bot was an epic fail! Actually, the bot worked fine, it was me who failed! :)

The bot was coded to just look at ONE reply per person, and then I went ahead and asked for TWO replies! hahah FAIL!!! I had to reply and vote for some guesses manually.

Soooo, I will do another Guess The Number on THIS account, sometime tomorrow. :) See you then! 💗

THANKS to Everyone who Played today!

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