FREE DAT coin tokens


Well, I stumbled upon an ico of this coin: , and they´re giving free tokens. I suggest you get them, even if you don´t plan on investing anything on the ICO, they might be worth something(or a lot) someday!

Btw, as I understand it, this soon to be launched cryptocoin concept is built on marketing data mining and sharing, so they do micropayments for you to share your online browsing data through several providers(like facebook for example), while letting you have full control of the mined data. I suggest you watch the short intro video. The concept is very interesting but I´ll let you decide.

Btw, I have nothing to do with the company, truth be told, I just want my free extra tokens for referring you guys.(you get some tokens for signing up and more free tokens and a chance to get into a DAT lottery for referring people.

Here is the link for the giveaway:

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