Winner announcement for the "Guess the dog breed" giveaway!

About a week ago I decided to host a mini-giveaway where anyone could enter by guessing the breed of the dog I am about to get. It's only a few more days until we can drive and pick her up, and it will be very exciting to have a puppy again, since it has been 6 years since the last time any of my dogs were puppies.


A lot of people entered, most trough comments, but some also sent encrypted messages to make their guess a secret. It's time to find out how many who guessed correctly, and who win the 5 Steem Blockchain Dollars.

The answer: It's a whippet

The correct dog breed is a whippet. This is a sighthound that originates from England, where they used to be a "poor man's greyhound". They do however have some benefits compared to the greyhound that made them a much better fit for me and my family, and the biggest one is that it's a very healthy breed that has little genetic diseases.


As I said in the contest post, it is not all that easy to guess the breed from the pictures alone, but a lot of people were really close, and lots of people guessed greyhounds (which look very much like whippets). However, only two people guessed correctly:

  1. @singa - entered in the comment section
  2. @hairy - entered by encrypted transaction

@aliraxa also mentioned whippet, but ultimately said that the guess was greyhound. So we only had two participants for the raffle!

As with every giveaway, the winner is selected by a Random Number Generator, and here's the result for this raffle:


Number 1 is @singa, so congrats on winning 5 SBD!

Unfortunately they are worth less than a week ago, but hang onto them or trade them for Steem, and they will surely be a lot more valuable in the future.

I will be sending the money right after publishing the post, and please verify it yourself by going to my wallet.

Thanks to everyone who participated!

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