Splinterlands Common Gold Foil Giveaway

Hi everyone! ill do another gold foil giveaway! and its a gold foil stonefish!

Yesterday winner was @own001, so congratulations!

I wonder who would win this stone fish that has the best art for me in chaos legion set!
There are no rules to join, to need to follow, share, reblog or upvote. You just need to drop here your ign and ill wait for a few hours so that lots of people can join! And after this giveaway, ill share to y'all on how i manage to staked a 1000$ worth of sps as a F2P player! and will also do another giveaway after, so stay tuned!
Goodluck and Congrats to the person who will get this hardy stonefish!

This stonefish is actually pretty useful even though he doesnt have any skills at high level, but 2 damage, 2 speed, 2 shild and 3 health is pretty good for 1 mana! so i suggest y'all to go grab this stonefish!(NFA)

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