Rainbow ๐ŸŒˆ Girl

Today I met an amazing little girl who had the personality of a rainbow ๐ŸŒˆ.

Her family lived quite scarcely.

But this little girl had everything she needed and quite possibly more!

She had happiness in her heart, her eyes shone brightly with laughter and contentment.

Though she didn't have all the finest things that money could buy, she had all the love she could ever needed.

As I observed her and her humbled little family she had more fierceness and tenacity than any little girl I had seen before.

Her parents, they showered her with their time, attention, creativity and much imagination.

As I watched her blow out the candles on her lovingly, yet clumsily put together homemade cake, she had the look of this greatest gratitude in that moment than I have seen in some adults who had more in their wallets, than their whole house combined.

She was surrounded by love; the love of her small families and those who bothered to show up, to see her on her special day. She had more moments to treasure to add to the rest of her journey in life.

In that moment, I had my heart strings pulled, had to stop the tears which welled up in my eyes watching this beautiful moment being unfolded. All I could mumbled in that moment was, "Lord, please bless this family."

To all the little girls out there, may you continue to rise and shine, regardless of where you are; and, may your beautiful smile, continue to outshine and sparkle, where ever your life journey takes you.

Don't let anything, tell you that you are less than what you have been created to be and was born to do - be that Warrior Princess ๐Ÿ‘ธ, not that other Worrior/Damsel in Distressed ๐Ÿ˜ฉ Princess.

Much love. โค๏ธ

#Inspired_life #gratitude #sparkle_and_shine
#driven_purpose_life #stay_humble #lifes_journey #families #friends #speak_life
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