Contest 1 Winners

Thank you to all of those who participated in our first contest, where you had to make a post detailing your goals. We had 6 valid entries and we have come up with a winner. We highly recommend that you check out all the posts, as they are each an amazing read. All prizes have been paid out, so enjoy guys.

Congratulations to @cwow2 for your winning post: @cwow2/hiv-goal-life-goal-short-bucket-list.

Congratulations to our second place contestant @careassaktart with their post: @careassaktart/my-entry-to-a-giftgiver-writing-contest.

And our third place contestant @young-boss-karin and their post: @young-boss-karin/what-s-hive-gotta-do-with-my-goals.

We'll like to acknowledge our runners up as well.


Everyone had great posts and it was hard to pick a winner. And good luck to everyone on completing their goals. Be sure to join our second contest, a writing piece about growth, you can find out more information about it here: @giftgiver/giftgiver-writing-contest-2-30-hive-15-sbi-units.


If you have any further questions, you can join us on our discord or check out the FAQ on our website.

Be sure to check out our new Hive faucet at

Written by @rishi556.

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