The Guinea Update.....I Might Need Help!


My Guinea babies are growing up. They seem to mature slower than chickens although I have not researched that... Yet.

We got off to a rocky start when Imma refused them. My Brahma hens have never refused a chick and I guess I was expecting the same maternal instinct from my California White Imma. She's been a great mother to her chicken chick in her defense.


I believe I have broken them though. Everyone keeps telling me give them more time to mature but I don't know 😬
They gettin pretty big.

When Imma refused them I had to step in and keep them warm. Being off grid that meant getting up at midnight and replacing their hot water bottles. And making sure they were tucked in at night. I made them that little tent house and every night I would tuck them under it and surround them with the warm bottles. I thought it was a great idea!

And I didn't consider in my design on their new cage that I would have to crawl in there and tuck them in every night.

Last night I said that's it! Y'all are big enough to go to roost and I left them. At 10pm I was out there crawling in their cage putting them to bed cause they were still sitting at the door crying for me. They are getting their big guinea voices. So far the only time they use them is to call me at bedtime 😵


I've been waiting to do an update but I think I need help.... Any Guinea experts out there 😌

I might have broke em but they still good lookin ain't they 😍

Thanks so much for stopping by the homestead

Yep original photos taken by me on my cheap cell phone IMG_1532806638090.jpg

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