#NaNaKaY writes

One fact that is largely yet to be realised but yet goes a long way to decide the quality of our lives is the fact that we give meaning to the things that happen to us.

Nothing starts to have operative effect in your life until you have given it a meaning and allowed it a psychological place in your thoughts. Man was made to be in possession of his own thoughts and actions and most importantly be able to determine to a large extent the results and happenings in his everyday life. That is what we term CHOICE

Knowledge can take you to your next level but to acquire the wrong type of knowledge about anything could be as dangerous as bringing your own life to an end. The society, environmental and historical precedents have established various meanings to events and the masses are led to a convergence by accepting these meanings without giving themselves to exercise their right of choice. The power that is afforded them as humans

Its very simple "what you think is, is what will be". The quality of our lives depends largely on the meanings we give to the events in our life. Negativity primarily seeks to doctor the fruits of your thinking and makes you confess and think your own doom by making you give diverse negative explanations to everything in your mind. "Bad omen" "negative explanations to dreams" "coming from a disadvantaged family lineage"...where did they all come from???...mans negativity of thought. The meanings humans gave have enslaved humans and given power to these forces of negativity to have effect in our lives. Remember, what you process in your mind is what comes out to be seen

Think positive about everything then, then men you call your role models have just discovered something different from everyone else: the power of using your mind to process the right meanings and be filled with OPTIMISM. it pays to have a positive feel about everything and give positive meaning to events regardless of preformed allusions. BE AS A BABY AND EMBRACE POSITIVITY AS YOUR MOTHER. The results of your positive thinking will give your life fresh energy in success pals


#choiceisyours #makeyourchoicesyieldpositivityinmindandlife



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